Campaign Analysis

We analyse pre and post campaign metrics to help our clients better understand their audience. These new learnings are then incorporated into our approach for upcoming campaigns, adapting content and targeting for bigger impact.

Pre-campaign Analysis

Before a campaign goes live, we employ A/B/C testing on creative to ensure the most impactful, engaging content is used. Our aim is to get the correct fit for the campaign and its audience in order to maximise campaign performance.

These controlled tests are delivered on high impact, high footfall city streets and are tailored specifically to each campaign’s KPIs. Performance of these tests are measured against other benchmarked campaign analysis for the best results. I.E. If a campaign message needs to land quickly, static content might work best, if it needs to grab attention, full motion graphics could be the optimal choice. Our pre-campaign analysis allows us to answer these questions prior to campaign commencement.

Post-campaign Analysis

Upon each campaign’s completion we analyse campaign performance, measure footfall patterns and assess audience behaviour and response. This analysis provides transparency for our clients and gives a true insight into how a campaign performed.

The in-depth metrics available to us include demographic split by age and/or gender, emotional sentiment, views, conversion rates, dwell and attention times amongst other clever analysis.